Unique Gift Basket Ideas by Characteristics

Want to come up with unique gift basket ideas for your loved ones?

Here’s an idea – how about concentrating on the recipient’s personality or habits? After all, we all have have a personality (for better or worse..) and most of us have habits to go along with it.

Use that as the theme of your gift and you are guaranteed to come up with a personal unique gift basket that your recipient will just love. Not to mention how flattered he/she would be as your gift basket will ooze with thoughtfulness and consideration.

Check out the below cool gift basket ideas based on this concept or click here for more details.

How do you come up a gift basket idea by characteristics?

It’s very simple!

Think of the recipient. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?

Perhaps the fact that she is always stressed or that he loves to take his time in the toilets? Maybe your recipient is a light sleeper? very forgetful? a cleaning freak? spends a lot of time driving? Once you start going down that road, the possibilities are endless…

Pick a personality or habit to match your recipient and gather items that relate to this theme.

Above you will find characteristics-based unique gift basket ideas I came up with. They were inspired by baskets I prepared for my family and friends. I can assure you they were a huge success with the recipients, not to mention practical as they hit their needs and their tendencies spot-on!

Check them out. Browse through the themes and click the one that’s right for your recipient. You will then find a list of many inexpensive items to choose from. Some are very practical and some are more for fun.

Get some or all of the ingredients, put the basket together with the help of these easy instructions and make someone’s day special!