Creative Gift Basket Ideas - Mosaic Making Gift Basket

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mosaic gift basketIf you are looking for creative gift basket ideas for people who love to work with their hands, a mosaic gift basket can be a great choice.

Anyone can make Mosaic! No need to be extremely crafty or to have prior experience in order to enjoy this therapeutic art form.

Everything your recipient will need is listed below. All the items are extremely affordable (especially the first one!). I even included free printable mosaic making instructions (see below).

Mosaic making gift basket ingredients

container ideas

  • basket
  • box
  • flower pot (or any hard nonabsorbent container to glue Mosaic on ,see more details below)


  • Damaged / broken ceramic dishes – this creative gift basket idea won’t cost you a thing: Look around your house for any broken or unwanted ceramic dishes. They can turn into mosaic tiles. Don’t have any? ask in any house ware store if you can buy any broken or damaged ceramic merchandise. It’s a gold mine! You’ll either pay peanuts for it or receive it for free. Choose the most colorful dishes for diverse mosaic options.
  • Mosaic tiles – if you don’t include dishes (first item) in your gift basket, add mosaic tiles instead. They are very inexpensive and come in a variety of colors, patterns and sizes to choose from.
  • Small hammer – to break the dishes from item one into pieces which will be used as mosaic tiles.
  • Mosaic tile nipper – to cut the broken dishes or ready made tiles into smaller pieces.
  • Mosaic glass cutter – same as above for glass tiles in case you include them in your gift basket.
  • Mosaic adhesive – to glue the pieces onto surface.
  • Grout – to fill in gaps between tiles for final finish and stabilization.
  • Safety glasses – to wear when breaking and cutting mosaic pieces.
  • Dust mask – for safety during the breaking and grouting stages.
  • Toothbrush – this cheap creative gift basket idea helps remove access grout from surface better than any other tool.
  • Pencil – for free drawing / copying of a mosaic pattern outline onto the surface (throw in an eraser too).
  • Coloring pages – a creative gift basket idea for mosaic designs in case your recipient does not know how to draw. Include a coloring book with patterns that can be used as mosaic designs or print out nice patterns from any coloring web site and include them in your gift basket.
  • Carbon copy paper – to place under the coloring pages so they can be easily traced onto the surface.
  • Tweezers – for working with smaller pieces.
  • Small disposable bowls – to squeeze glue into.
  • Disposable gloves / small spatula – to use when applying grout.
  • Soft cloth – to wipe out Mosaic once grout is dry.
  • Free mosaic making Instructions – if this is your recipient’s first time trying this craft, print out these free easy “how to make mosaic” instructions and include them in your gift basket.
  • Book about Mosaic – include a book about Mosaic in your gift basket or a copy of a related magazine.
  • Flower pot – or any other smooth inflexible, non absorbent object to decorate as part of the first mosaic project (other options: wooden box if placed indoors, large ceramic tile).